During End-of-Day processing and during on-demand stock replenishment, the system identifies products in need of replenishment. In some cases, the system creates a replenishment transfer order to move products from the replenishment warehouse to the warehouse that needs the products. In other cases, the system creates pending purchase orders (POs) for needed products and places the POs on the Replenishment Action Report. The report is sorted by vendor, and each PO directed to a vendor is given its own PO number. A recommended order amount is included for each item. Your company's purchasing manager analyzes this report and decides which POs to edit, activate, and send to the vendor.
The Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance option in Vision Back Office enables you to edit and activate POs.
Note: You are not committed to order any product that appears on the Replenishment Action Report. It is merely a record of pending POs that you may or may not choose to activate (or maintain) to turn a PO into a buy.
On the main menu in Vision Back Office, select Purchasing.
Select Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance.
The Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance option has several parts:
Part 1: Log-on screen. This is where you log on to the Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance option.
Part 2: PO Header screen. This is where you enter the PO number from the Replenishment Action Report that you would like to maintain and/or activate. You can also create a new PO from this screen or review all of the pending POs for a particular vendor. In addition, you can set up a PO for a vendor return; the net effect of this type of PO is a negative dollar amount.
Part 3: PO Line Item screen. If this is an existing PO, this screen shows all of the line items on this PO. Each line item includes information such as product description, quantity ordered, and cost of the product per unit. If this is a new PO, this screen is where you enter line items that should be placed on the PO.
Part 4 (optional): Contract Pricing screen. This screen, which is accessed from the PO Line Item screen, lets you select a vendor price contract under which to purchase a product. If you select a contract, its number and the price are automatically used for the line item on the PO Line Item screen.
Part 5 (optional): Customer Order Commitment screen. This screen, which is accessed from the PO Line Item screen, is where you view any customer stock backorders linked to a product on the PO. This screen gives you control over how the system fills backorders. For example, because you may have just decreased the number of products ordered by changing the product's quantity on the PO Line Item screen, you are given the chance to look at the backorders waiting for that product. You can then decide who gets the products.
Part 6: PO Total screen. This is where you review the totals of this PO. Information such as the total number of lines, the total quantity, and the total dollar amount are displayed. This is also where you activate the PO.