Part 5 (optional) of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance: Customer Order Commitment screen

The Customer Order Commitment screen is where you view any customer stock backorders linked to a product on the PO. This screen gives you control over how the system fills backorders. For example, because you may have just decreased the number of products ordered by changing the product's quantity on the PO Line Item screen, you are given the chance to look at the backorders waiting for that product. You can then decide who gets the products.

You can access the Customer Order Commitment screen from the PO Line Item screen by editing a line item. When the cursor advanced to the end of the line item, the system displays the following prompt:

Review CUSTOMER COMMITMENTS for this line? ('Y'/<RTN>)

To go to the Customer Order Commitment screen, where you can view any customer stock backorders linked to a product on the PO, enter Y at this prompt.

Command line of the Customer Order Commitment screen

Several options are displayed in the command line:

Note: If you change the Qty field, remember that the quantity specified in the TOTAL COMMITTED field cannot exceed the quantity specified in the TOTAL ORDERED field for this line item of the PO.

During End-of-Day (EOD) processing, the system automatically links backordered products to an open PO that contains that product. This (A)DD option enables you to link a backordered product to an open PO before EOD processing is run.

You can add a backorder to the existing PO as long as the PO contains the good necessary to fill the open quantity.

Transfers may be needed in many different cases. Perhaps you want to change the way the system has prioritized customer backorders, which is by date. That is, the customer order with the oldest date that contains the backordered product is the first one to receive the products when they arrive on the PO.

There are a number of instances in which you might want to change the way that the system prioritizes backorders.

For example, let's say that you have one customer order linked to a PO whose products are due in two days. In the meantime, one of your better customers orders the same product. Because you want to satisfy the customer whose business you value more, you will want to break the link between the first customer's order and the PO, and establish a link between the newer — but more important — order. The first customer's order will then be linked to the next PO that goes out for that product.

Field descriptions of the Customer Order Commitment screen

Following is a list of fields on the Customer Order Commitment screen, as well as descriptions of each.

Sample Customer Order Commitment screen

Following is a sample screen shot:

Customer Order Commitment screen of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance


Related Topics

Overview of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance

Tips for Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance

Part 1 of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance: Log-on screen

Part 2 of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance: PO Header screen

Part 3 of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance: PO Line Item screen

Part 4 (optional) of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance: Contract Pricing screen

Part 6 of Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance: PO Total screen