A receiver is essentially a record of products that you have received from a vendor. A receiver may contain products that were placed on various purchase orders for a particular vendor. The receiver is created when your warehouse receives the products from a vendor and one of your warehouse employees uses one of the receiving features in Vision to record that the products have been received in the warehouse. To receive the products into your warehouse, your warehouse employees can manually enter product numbers or scan the products with a scanner.
At some point, the vendor sends you an invoice for the products you received. The features of the Accounts Payable tab enable you to select one or more receivers for which you would like to create a voucher. You can have only one vendor per voucher, but you can place multiple receivers on a voucher. You can even split different line items of a receiver onto multiple vouchers. For example, if you are disputing a line item charge for a receiver, you can remove the receiver line item from the current voucher and include it on a voucher later on, once the dispute has been settled.
The Receivers screen on the Accounts Payable tab is where you view receiver information such as date received, vendor order number, and dollar amount for freight. It is also where you see details about a receiver, such as all of the PO line items on the receiver, and any line items that are still in a receiving error condition. The Receivers screen is also where you add receivers to the voucher you are creating.
Note: To access the Receivers screen on the Accounts Payable tab, you must have the proper security privileges. The Accounts Payable job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
Select the vendor on the Vendor Profile screen if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, please refer to Select a vendor.)
On the Accounts Payable tab, click the Receivers button. The Receivers screen appears.
The Receivers field is a combination text box and drop-down list; this enables you to specify a receiver in one of two ways:
In the Receivers field, type the receiver number if you would like to conduct a search for a specific receiver. Leave this field blank if you would like to search for all receivers that meet your other search criteria.
— or —
In the Receivers drop-down list, select a recent entry. A maximum of your 10 most-recent entries are listed in the drop-down list.
To refine your search and see more targeted search results, you can conduct an advanced search by following a few other steps:
Click the Options button.
In the Search On area, select which criterion you would like to search by. You have several options:
All Receivers: Select this option to search for any one or more receivers that meet your search criteria.
Open for Vouchering: Select this option to search for receivers that are still open for vouchering (not completely paid).
Completely Unvouchered: Select this option to search for receivers that are completely unvouchered (not paid).
Partially Vouchered: Select this option to search for receivers that are only partially vouchered.
In the Starting Date field, type the date of the oldest receiver allowed in your search results (or click the arrow to select the date from the calendar). To use this date, select the check box for this date.
In the Ending Date field, type the date of the newest receiver allowed in your search results (or click the arrow to select the date from the calendar). To use this date, select the check box for this date.
Click the Search button or press Enter.
If only one receiver meets your search criteria, the corresponding receiver information is provided on the Receivers screen.
If more than one receiver meets your search criteria, the corresponding receivers are identified in the receiver listing at the bottom of the Receivers screen. To select the appropriate receiver to view details about it, click the appropriate row in the listing.
Select the receiver in the listing at the bottom of the Receivers screen that you would like to add to the current voucher.
Click the Add To Voucher button.
— or —
Right-click the receiver in the listing and select Add to Voucher on the shortcut menu.
Continue adding receivers as appropriate until you have added all of the receivers that should be included on the current voucher.