The Approve Vouchers screen on the Accounts Payable tab is where you review vouchers and approve them for payment. Accounts payable managers typically are the individuals who approve vouchers.
Note: To access the Approve Vouchers screen on the Accounts Payable tab, you must have the proper security privileges. The Voucher Approval job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
On the Accounts Payable tab, click the Approve Vouchers button. The Approve Vouchers screen appears.
The Approval field is a combination text box and drop-down list; this enables you to specify a receiver in one of two ways:
In the Approval field, type the voucher number if you would like to conduct a search for a specific voucher. Leave this field blank if you would like to search for all vouchers that meet your other search criteria.
— or —
In the Approval drop-down list, select a recent entry. A maximum of your 10 most-recent entries are listed in the drop-down list.
To refine your search and see more targeted search results, you can conduct an advanced search by following a few other steps:
Click the Options button.
In the Search On area, select which criterion you would like to search by. You have several options:
All Vouchers: Select this option to search for any one or more vouchers that meet your search criteria.
Ready For Approval: Select this option to search for vouchers that have not been approved yet.
Previously Approved: Select this option to search for vouchers that have already been approved.
In the Vendor drop-down list, select a vendor if you would like to search for vendors for a specific vendor. If you would like to search for any voucher regardless of the vendor, select <All Vendors> option.
In the Starting Date field, type the date of the oldest voucher allowed in your search results (or click the arrow to select the date from the calendar). To use this date, select the check box for this date.
In the Ending Date field, type the date of the newest voucher allowed in your search results (or click the arrow to select the date from the calendar). To use this date, select the check box for this date.
Click the Search button or press Enter.
If only one voucher meets your search criteria, the corresponding voucher information is provided on the Approve Vouchers screen.
If more than one voucher meets your search criteria, the corresponding vouchers are identified in the voucher listing at the bottom of the Approve Vouchers screen. To select the appropriate voucher to view details about it, click the appropriate row in the listing.
Select one or more vouchers in the listing at the bottom of the Approve Vouchers screen that you would like to approve for payment. You can select multiple vouchers in the listing using standard Windows conventions, and then approve them all at once.
For example, to select multiple consecutive items in the listing:
Click the first item you would like to select.
Press and hold Shift while clicking the last item.
To select multiple nonconsecutive items in the listing:
Click the first item you would like to select.
Press and hold Ctrl while clicking the next item. Repeat until all appropriate items have been selected.
To approve the selected voucher(s), click the Approve Selected Vouchers button.