The Current Voucher screen on the Accounts Payable tab is where you specify information about the vendor invoice for which you are creating or maintaining a voucher.
Note: To access the Current Voucher screen on the Accounts Payable tab, you must have the proper security privileges. The Accounts Payable job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
On the Accounts Payable tab, click the Current Voucher button. The Current Voucher screen appears.
In the Invoice field, type the vendor's invoice number.
The invoice number provides you with an audit trail; it is included on the check stub, Sequential Voucher Listing, Cash Disbursements Journal, Expense Distribution Register, and AP Check Register.
In the Invoice Date field, type the date of the vendor's invoice (or click the arrow to select the date from the calendar).
In the Fiscal Period field, type the fiscal year and month in the YYYYMM format or select the appropriate open fiscal year and month from the drop-down list.
Note: If your Vision system is integrated with Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains financial software, the Fiscal Period field is not available.
In the Due Date field, type the due date for this invoice (or click the arrow to select the date from the calendar).
In the Number of Payments field enter a positive integer representing the number of payments to be made.
In the Invoice Total field, type the gross dollar amount of the invoice.
In the Freight field, type the dollar amount of freight charged on the invoice.
If any miscellaneous charges were included on the invoice:
In the Miscellaneous field, type the dollar amount of the miscellaneous charges included on the invoice.
In the Misc Reason drop-down list, select the option that best describes the reason for the miscellaneous charges.
In the Tax field, type the dollar amount of the tax charged on the invoice.
If your organization may be eligible for a discount from the vendor:
In the Discountable Amt field, type the dollar amount that is eligible to be discounted. Typically, this dollar amount represents the total dollar amount of the merchandise on the invoice; it does not usually include any dollar amounts for freight, miscellaneous charges, or tax.
In the Disc Amt field, type the dollar amount of the discount. This is the dollar amount that should be subtracted from the Discountable Amt field. The system automatically calculates what percentage the discount amount is of the amount entered in the Discountable Amt field; this percentage is then displayed in the % field.
— or —
In the % field, type the percentage of the discount. This is the discount percentage that should be applied to the amount entered in the Discountable Amt field; the system automatically calculates the dollar amount of the discount and displays it in the Disc Amt field.