The Vendor Profile screen on the Accounts Payable tab is where you conduct vendor searches and select a vendor for the current voucher.
A vendor profile is a summary of basic information about a vendor. At a glance, you can view the vendor's address, phone number, and fax number. The dollar amounts are shown for your open balance; your year-to-date, month-to-date, and last year's purchases from this vendor. In addition, you can see details about discounts that this vendor offers.
On the Accounts Payable tab, click the Vendor Profile button. The Vendor Profile screen appears.
The Vendors field is a combination text box and drop-down list; this enables you to specify a vendor in one of two ways:
In the Vendors field, type one of the following:
The vendor's name, or part of it
The vendor number, or part of it
— or —
In the Vendors drop-down list, select a recent entry. A maximum of your 10 most-recent entries are listed in the drop-down list.
To refine your search and see more targeted search results, you can conduct an advanced search by following a few other steps:
Click the Options button.
In the Search On area, select which criterion you would like to search by. You have several options:
Both: Select this option if you would like your search results to include permanent vendors as well as temporary vendors.
Permanent: Select this option if you would like your search results to include permanent vendors only.
Temporary: Select this option if you would like your search results to include temporary vendors only.
In the Search Filters area, select the appropriate options from the Company and Buyer drop-down lists if you would like to narrow your search.
Click the Search button or press Enter.
If only one vendor meets your search criteria, the corresponding customer information is provided on the Vendor Profile screen.
If more than one vendor meets your search criteria, the corresponding vendors are identified in the vendor listing at the bottom of the Vendor Profile screen. To select the appropriate vendor for the current voucher, click the appropriate row in the listing.