Generate the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet

The Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet is a document you can generate from the Accounts Payable tab. This worksheet summarizes any variances for a voucher. It lists each of the PO numbers, the products, the quantities, and all costs. You can print this worksheet and use it to check the costs of what a vendor charged you against what you were expecting to pay when you activated a purchase order for the vendor.

To generate the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet

There are two different ways to generate the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet.

Method 1: Generate the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet for the voucher associated with a specific receiver

  1. On the Receivers screen, select a receiver that is associated with the appropriate voucher in the Receivers listing at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Right-click the receiver in the Receivers listing and select Print Worksheet on the shortcut menu.

  3. The system generates the worksheet and sends it to your spooler hold file. You can view, print, or e-mail the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet from your spooler hold file.

Method 2: Generate the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet for a specific voucher

  1. On the Current Voucher screen, click the Print Worksheet button.

  2. The system generates the worksheet and sends it to your spooler hold file. You can view, print, or e-mail the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet from your spooler hold file.

Sample Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet

Following is a sample of the Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet:

Voucher Cost-Check Worksheet


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Working with the Accounts Payable tab

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