The Current Voucher screen on the Accounts Payable tab is where you allocate dollar amounts for freight, miscellaneous, and tax to products being paid on a voucher.
Note: To access the Current Voucher screen on the Accounts Payable tab, you must have the proper security privileges. The Accounts Payable job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
On the Accounts Payable tab, click the Current Voucher button. The Current Voucher screen appears.
Click the Voucher Details button to view the Voucher Details area if it is not already visible.
To allocate the freight amount to the products on the voucher, select the appropriate option from the Allocated By drop-down list in the Freight row. Valid options are:
No Allocation: Select this option if the freight should not be allocated to the products on the voucher.
Quantity: Select this option if the allocation of freight to the products should be based on the PO line item quantity.
Cost: Select this option if the allocation of freight to the products should be based on the extended cost of products. With this option, allocating the freight amount increases your cost of the products.
If you select Quantity or Cost in the Allocated By drop-down list of the Freight row, enter the dollar amounts of freight that should be allocated or non-allocated:
In the Non-Allocated field, type the dollar amount of freight that should not be allocated. If you type an amount in this field, the system calculates the allocated amount and displays it in the Allocated field.
In the Allocated field, type the dollar amount of freight that should be allocated to the products on the voucher. If you type an amount in this field, the system calculates the non-allocated amount and displays it in the Non-Allocated field.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 above for miscellaneous and tax amounts that you would like to allocate to the products on the voucher.
If this voucher includes — or if you have already created a voucher for — a separate freight amount from a third-party organization such as a trucking company, and if you would like to allocate it to the products on this voucher, type the dollar amount in the 3rd Party Freight to Allocate field. This allows you to allocate the dollar amount across the products on the voucher.
The 3rd Party Freight to Allocate field is available only if the Cost option or the Quantity option is selected in the Allocated By drop-down list for the Freight row.