Setting Up Customer Charges

You can use the Charges screen to perform two separate tasks:

A special charge is a fixed amount that is automatically applied to the customer's account each month. Before you can complete the Special Charges section, special charges must already be configured in Vision Configuration. See Configuring Special Charges for more information.

A restocking fee is an amount charged by the warehouse when a customer orders a part but ends up returning it instead of purchasing it. The Restocking Fee section lets you bypass the warehouse restocking fee options set up in Vision Configuration.

Assigning a Special Charge to a Customer

  1. Click the Customer Maintenance tab.

  2. Click Customer Profile.

  3. Select a customer.

    Click here to learn how to search for and select a customer. Vision will display the customer in each of the Customer Maintenance screens you click.

Click the image to see a larger view.


  1. Click the Charges tab.

  2. Select the special charge.

The list is populated with the special charges you set up in Vision Configuration.

  1. Type the charge.

The charge will be added or subtracted each month from the customer's account. The calculation method depends on the type of special charge you selected in Step 5:

  1. Click Add.

The table displays the Special Charge as shown below.

Click the image to see a larger view.





  1. Click Accept.



Setting Up Restocking Fees for a Customer

  1. Click the Customer Maintenance tab.

  2. Click Customer Profile.

  3. Select a customer.

    Click here to learn how to search for and select a customer. Vision will display the customer in each of the Customer Maintenance screens you click.


Click the image to see a larger view.


  1. Set the Allowance by Company check box if you want to calculate and update restocking allowances by company.

If you set this check box, a separate tab displays for each company.

  1. Set the Exempt from Fees check box if restocking allowances and fees do not apply to the customer.

Setting this check box disables all the Restocking Fee options.

  1. Set the Restocking Model Calc Bypass check box.

Enabling this check box keeps the warehouse's return allowance model from overriding the settings you enter on this screen.

  1. You should always set this checkbox unless you want your settings to be temporary only. If the box is cleared, your changes will be lost the next time the allowance model is run in Vision BackOffice.

  1. Set or clear the Exclude From Allowances check boxes.

  1. Enter the restocking fee percentage.

  1. Select the calculation method.

  1. Select the time duration for the Maximum Allowance amount.  

  1. Click Accept.

Click the image to see a larger view.




Related Topics


Update Return Model Allowances


Enabling Warehouse Restocking Fees