Select a customer

The Search screen on the Customer Maintenance tab is where you select a customer if you need to look up information about that customer or make changes to the customer data stored in the system.

To select a customer

  1. On the Customer Maintenance tab, open the Customer Profile form.

  2. The Customer field is a combination text box and drop-down list; this enables you to specify a customer in one of three ways:

To help you refine your search, the system applies company and sales rep filters by default.

For the company and sales rep filters, the defaults are My Companies and My Sales Representatives, respectively. The My Companies option is a valid company or a list of valid companies that are associated with your user ID, if any are established in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. Likewise, the My Sales Representatives option is a sales rep or a list of valid sales reps who are associated with your user ID, if any are established in the User Maintenance. For more information, refer to Valid Companies and Valid Sales People.

  1. To refine your search and see more targeted search results, you can conduct an advanced search by following a few other steps:

  1. Click the Options button.

  2. In the Search On area, select which criterion you would like to search by.

  3. In the Search Filters area, select one or more options from the filter lists if you would like to narrow your search.

Note: To override the company filter default, you must have the proper security privileges. The Override Company Filter job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.

  1. Click the Search button or press Enter. If only one customer meets your search criteria, the corresponding customer information is provided on the Search screen.

If more than one customer meets your search criteria, the corresponding customers are identified in the customer listing at the bottom of the Search screen. To select the appropriate customer, click the appropriate row in the listing.

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