Every day your company receives payments in the form of cash, check, and charge from your customers to pay invoices carried as accounts receivable. Each of your customers has an account with you; the system keeps track of this account and updates it with invoice, credit memo, and payment amounts.
The On Account screen on the Customer Service tab is where you can apply any combination of cash, check, or charge to a customer's account. An account receivable record is created for each payment, and it is recorded in the customer's Recent Transactions log.
For information on how to apply cash, check, or charge to a customer's account for a specific order, refer to Add payment information to the order.
Note: To access the On Account Payment screen, you must have the proper security privileges. The On Account Payment job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
Select the customer on the Customer Profile screen or the Current Order screen if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, please refer to Select a customer.)
On the Customer Service tab, click the On Account Payment button. The On Account Payment screen appears.
In the Company drop-down list, select the company that should receive the accounts receivable payment.
Enter information for any combination of cash, check, and credit payment as necessary:
If part or all of this on account payment is in the form of cash from the customer:
In the Bank drop-down list, select the appropriate bank.
In the Applied Cash Amount field, type the dollar amount for the cash that the customer is paying.
If part or all of this on account payment is in the form of a check from the customer:
In the Bank drop-down list, select the appropriate bank if you have not already done so.
In the Check No. field, type the number of the customer's check.
In the Check Amount field, type the dollar amount of the customer's check.
If part or all of this on account payment is in the form of a credit card payment by the customer:
In the Type drop-down list, select the appropriate credit card type.
In the Card Number field, type the customer's credit card number.
In the Expiration Date field, type the expiration date of the credit card.
In the Credit Card Amount field,type the dollar amount being charged.
In the Approval Code field, type the approval code.
Note: If default credit card information has been established for this customer, that information is listed in the Type, Card Number, and Expiration Date fields here. (The system looks for the default credit card information on three different screens of the Customer Maintenance tab: first on the Billing Codes screen, then on the Ship To Preferences screen, and lastly on the Master screen.) To override the default, select a different type from the Type drop-down list. If the customer is making an on account payment by check and/or cash, but not by credit card, select None from the Type drop-down list.
Click the OK button. The Are you sure? pop-up window appears. (Click Are you sure? pop-up window to see a sample.) The Are you sure? pop-up window shows the open accounts receivable balance for the customer. It also shows any payment amounts you entered and asks you if you are sure you would like to apply those amounts.
Click the Yes button. The system closes the Are you sure? pop-up window.
The system creates one or more account receivable records for the customer. If only one form of payment — cash, check, or charge — was used, then only one account receivable record is created. If more than one form of payment was used, a separate account receivable record is created for each type.