Set up warranty information

If customers return products to you that are still under warranty, a credit is applied to the customer's order for that warranty item. If a warranty schedule has been specified for the product, the credit is prorated based on that warranty schedule. If a warranty schedule is not selected, a full credit is applied to the customer's order.

The Costs/Prices screen on the Product Management tab is where you specify whether or not warranty returns are allowed for a product. This is also where you specify a warranty schedule for a product.

Warranty information is set up and maintained at the global product level, not at the warehouse product level. If you change the warranty information for a product at the global product level, the system automatically pushes the changes to all of the product's warehouse product records. Note that it is not possible to change the warranty information at the warehouse product level.

To set up warranty information

  1. Select the product on the Product Lookup screen of the Product Management tab if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, refer to Select a product.)

  2. On the Product Management tab, click the Costs/Prices button. The Costs/Prices screen appears.

  3. If warranty returns should not be permitted for this product, clear the Eligible check box in the Warranty area.

— or —

If warranty returns should be permitted for this product:

If a warranty schedule should not be specified, select None in the Schedule drop-down list.

  1. Click the Accept button to save your changes.

Related Topics

Working with the Product Management tab

Select a product

Set up a new warranty schedule

Modify an existing warranty schedule

Understand how warranty credits are calculated for orders