

Can't Over Receive Non-Stock

Non-stock products, which are committed to customer orders, can never be over-received.

If the Can't Over Receive Non-Stock error is included on the Receive by Shipment Errors Report, it indicates that you received too many of the non-stock product from the vendor.

If you would like to start stocking this product in the warehouse, you can change the product's stocking indicator. (For instructions on how to do this, refer to Select the stocking indicator of a product.) Then when you run the Receive by Shipment Batch Update, this error will not be generated if the warehouse allows over-receiving.

If you do not want to start stocking this product, return the product to the vendor. In addition, delete the error from the receiver. For more information, refer to Receiving Errors Maintenance.

Related Topics

Receive by Shipment Errors Report

Overview of Receive by Shipment