Specify a superseding product

Sometimes a manufacturer changes a product number or a new product is replacing an existing product.

Vision enables you to specify that the product that has the new product number should supersede the product that has the old product number. Then when you run out of the product with the old product number and try to add it to a new order on the Customer Service tab, the product with the new product number is added to the order instead.

Two types of superseding products are available: interchangeable and non-interchangeable. To understand the difference, let's consider two different examples and their results:

However, if customers order 123, they will receive ABC if quantity is available.

However, if customers order 456, they will always receive 456, regardless of the inventory level of DEF.

Typically, superseding products are not interchangeable.

The Main screen of the Product Management tab is where you specify a superseding product and indicate whether or not it is interchangeable. Only one superseding product can be set up for a product.

You can also load superseding products through CDs or vendor spreadsheets, if the manufacturer provides the information.

The superseding product is set up and maintained at the global product level, not at the warehouse product level. If you add or remove a superseding product for a product at the global product level, the system automatically pushes the changes to all of the product's warehouse product records. Note that it is not possible to change add or remove a superseding product at the warehouse product level.

Note: You can specify superseding products only if you are using the Auto flavor of Vision for the automotive parts industry.

To specify a superseding product

  1. On the Product Lookup screen of the Product Management tab, select the global product that should be replaced by the superseding product if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, refer to Select a product.)

  2. On the Product Management tab, click the Main button. The Main screen appears.

  3. In the Superceded area:

  1. In the By Number field, type the product number of the superseding product.

  2. If the superseded product should be interchangeable, select the Interchangeable check box. If it should not be interchangeable, clear the Interchangeable check box.

  1. Click the Accept button to save your changes.

Related Topics

Working with the Product Management tab

Select a product

About superseded products (on the Customer Service tab)