Every business night, End-of-Day (EOD) processing is run. After updating your inventory, the EOD jobstream creates invoices for all releases verified that day that do not have pricing problems still to be resolved. The invoices are printed and then mailed, or they can be faxed or emailed directly to the customer automatically during EOD processing.
In addition, occasionally invoices need to be rerun: maybe a customer wants another copy of an invoice. When an invoice is rerun, it is printed, or it can be faxed or emailed directly to the customer.
The Preferences screen on the Customer Maintenance tab is where you specify how invoices should be sent to a particular customer.
Select the customer on the Search screen of the Customer Maintenance tab if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, please refer to Select a customer.)
Click the Preferences button. The Preferences screen appears.
In the Invoice Delivery Method drop-down list, select the method that should be used during EOD processing for invoice delivery to customers. You have three options:
Print: Select this option if you would like the invoices for this customer to be prepared for printing during EOD processing. The invoices are sent to the spooler hold file of the person who started the EOD process. They are printed automatically (if the print queue is set up for to do so), or you can print them from the hold file the next morning. The printed invoices can then be mailed to the appropriate customers.
Fax: Select this option if you would like the invoices for this customer to be faxed automatically during EOD processing. The system performs a check to make sure that a fax number has been established for this customer; if a fax number has not been established, a warning message is displayed.
(If you select this option but a fax number has not been set up for this customer on the Master screen, the system checks to see if an AR contact has been established for this customer on the Contacts screen. If one has not been established, the system will display a warning message. If there is an AR contact, the system checks for a corresponding fax number. If there is no fax number, the system will display a warning message.)
Email: Select this option if you would like the invoices for this customer to be emailed automatically during EOD processing. The system performs a check to make sure that an email address has been established for this customer; if an email address has not been established, a warning message is displayed.
(If you select this option, the system checks to see if an AR contact has been established for this customer on the Contacts screen. If one has not been established, the system will display a warning message. If there is an AR contact, the system checks for a corresponding email address. If there is no email address, the system will display a warning message.)
When an invoice is generated for this customer during EOD, the invoice will be produced as you specified. Also, if an invoice is rerun, the same Invoice Delivery Method option is used.
Depending on several settings in Vision, the invoices are printed, or they are faxed or emailed directly to the customer. There are four types of invoices:
Non-laser printed invoices
Non-laser emailed invoices
Laser-printed invoices
Faxed invoices (laser format)
Following are the settings in Vision that help determine which type of invoice is generated:
The Laser Invoice Document field, which is in Vision Back Office on the Pick By Product screen or the Pick by Order screen in Warehouse Maintenance.
The Invoice Delivery Method drop-down list, which is in the Vision Graphical User Interface (GUI) on the Preferences screen of the Customer Maintenance tab.
The AR contact name and email address, which are established in the Vision GUI on the Contacts screen of the Customer Maintenance tab.
The fax number on the Ship To Main screen of the Customer Maintenance tab.
The fax number on the Master screen of the Customer Maintenance tab.
Non-laser printed invoices are printed on preprinted paper that already has the company logo and related heading information. If the following conditions are met, an invoice formatted for a non-laser printer is generated during EOD processing and whenever the invoice is reprinted:
The Laser Invoice Document field for the warehouse is not set to Y.
The Invoice Delivery Method drop-down list is set to Print.
The invoice may be listed in the spooler hold file of the person who started the EOD processing, and it may be printed automatically during the EOD jobstream: it depends on how the printer queue is set up. If this type of invoice is rerun, it can be spooled to the appropriate print queue and reprinted right away.
These invoices look similar to the non-laser printed invoices, except they also have the heading information as well as horizontal lines that separate the column headings from the column data. If the following conditions are met, an invoice is emailed to the customer as an email attachment during EOD processing and whenever the invoice is reprinted:
The Invoice Delivery Method drop-down list is set to Email.
An AR contact and the corresponding email address have been established for the customer.
For each invoice emailed during EOD processing, an individual hold entry is listed in the spooler hold queue of the person who started the EOD processing. The customer number and the invoice number are shown in the Program Description column, and EmailQue is shown in the Que column.
Note: If you would like to re-email an invoice that is still listed in your spooler hold file, use the (E)mail option available from the command line. The system will re-email the invoice as an attachment.
Laser-printed invoices are printed to a laser printer. The company logo and related heading information are printed on the invoice. If the following conditions are met, an invoice formatted for a laser printer is generated during EOD processing and whenever the invoice is reprinted:
The Laser Invoice Document field for the warehouse is set to Y.
The Invoice Delivery Method drop-down list has not been set.
The invoice may be listed in the spooler hold file of the person who started the EOD processing, and it may be printed automatically during the EOD jobstream: it depends on how the printer queue is set up. If this type of invoice is rerun, it can be spooled to the appropriate print queue and reprinted right away.
The format used for faxed invoices is the same used for the laser-printed invoices. If the following conditions are met, the invoice is faxed to the customer during EOD processing and whenever the invoice is reprinted:
The Invoice Delivery Method drop-down list is set to Fax.
An AR contact and the corresponding fax number have been established for the customer. The fax number for the AR contact is used for faxing the invoice, and the AR contact name is included in the To field on the fax cover sheet.
If a fax number for the AR contact has not been established, the system uses the fax number in the ship to file instead. If the ship to file does not contain a fax number, the system uses the fax number in the customer master file.
The fax invoice also is listed in the spooler hold file of the person who started the EOD processing. The customer number and the invoice number are listed in the Program Description column, and the name of the fax queue is listed in the Que column. (The default fax queue is set up in the Vision GUI: on the Vision Configuration tab, click the System Configuration button. Then click the Dealer Information folder, and then click the Dealer Defaults subfolder.)
Note: If you would like to refax an invoice that is still listed in your spooler hold file, use the (S)pool option (not the fa(X) option) available from the command line. When you spool the job number, the system will refax the invoice.
To verify that an invoice was faxed during EOD processing, you can check the TruFAX Status Listing, which displays all of the faxes that have been attempted by your system. (The TruFAX Status Listing is in the text-based version of Vision: on the main menu, select System Administration, and then select TruFAX Utilities.)