Add or delete billing codes

The Billing Codes screen on the Customer Maintenance tab is where you set up and maintain billing codes for a customer. You can use billing codes to store valid credit card information. Often this code also represents a department within the customer's company.

Vision checks the billing code whenever the system allows a credit card to be entered, such as on the Current Order screen of the Customer Service tab. If the billing code has credit card information associated with it, this credit card information is used as the default credit card for the order. If a credit card is not set up on the Billing Codes screen, the system then checks the Ship To Preferences screen (tor data at the ship to level) and Master screen (for data at the customer level) for the credit card information.

Note: To access the Billing Codes screen on the Customer Maintenance tab, you must have the proper security privileges. The Billing Code Maintenance job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.

To add a new billing code

  1. Select the customer on the Search screen of the Customer Maintenance tab if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, please refer to Select a customer.)

  2. Click the Billing Codes button. The Billing Codes screen appears.

  3. Click the New button.

  4. Enter the billing code and the corresponding description. Also add the credit card information if appropriate.

When you type credit card numbers or credit card expiration dates, you do not need to include spaces, hyphens, or other special characters; this shorthand allows you to save valuable keystrokes. When you tab to a different field after typing the numbers in one of these fields (or if you use the mouse to move the cursor to a different field), the system automatically fills in the spaces, hyphens, and other special characters for you as appropriate.

  1. Click the Accept button.

Delete one or more billing codes

  1. Select the customer on the Search screen of the Customer Maintenance tab if you have not already done so. (For instructions on how to do this, please refer to Select a customer.)

  2. Click the Billing Codes button. The Billing Codes screen appears.

  3. In the Billing Codes listing at the bottom of the screen, right-click the billing code you would like to delete and select Mark for Delete on the shortcut menu. A red X (icon-x.gif) appears in the Status column for this billing code.

Note: To remove the Mark for Delete indicator for a billing code, right-click the billing code in the Billing Codes listing and select Undo 'Mark for Deletion' on the shortcut menu.

  1. If there are other billing codes you would like to delete for this customer, right-click each of those and select Mark for Delete on the shortcut menu.

  2. Click the Accept button to delete the marked billing code(s).

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