For Windows XP Professional Only

Do not install the font’s package as recommended. Instead, follow these instructions if the terminal emulation is not working within the Vision application.

  1. Double-click the My Computer folder.
  2. Double-click the folder for your C drive.
  3. Browse to the windows\fonts directory, as shown below:

  4. On the File menu, select Install New Font. The Add Fonts dialog box appears.

  5. Select the Lucida and Microsoft Sans Serif fonts, and select each of them. To select multiple fonts, click the first font, press and hold down the Ctrl button, and then select each of the other fonts. There may be several Lucida fonts listed highlight all of them. There should only be one Microsoft Sans Serif font.
  6. Click the OK button. The Windows Fonts Folder dialog box appears.

  7. Click OK to continue. The Windows Fonts Folder dialog box reappears several times, depending on how many fonts were selected. Once you are finished installing the fonts, start the Vision application, and the terminal emulation should work correctly.