The User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab is where your company's security manager grants or revokes permission to individual users of Vision in order to broaden or limit their access to different parts of the software. User Maintenance also enables a security manager to set several defaults, such as valid sales reps and a default warehouse, for users.
When users log on to your Vision system, they are prompted for a user name and password. The system uses the input to determine which roles are assigned to each user and, thus, which job functions are available. Only the job functions that are part of a given user's roles are available to that user.
Note: Any time a new user needs to be added to your Vision system, the user name needs to be established on your Vision system's server before you can add that user via the User Maintenance screen. User Maintenance checks to make sure that the user ID entered is a valid user name on your system's server. If your system's server is Windows NT based, User Maintenance also checks to make sure that the domain for the user name is valid.
For a listing of all available job functions and roles, as well as descriptions of each, refer to About roles and job functions.
Note: Only users who have the proper security privileges can access User Maintenance. The Security job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles; otherwise, you cannot access this maintenance.
On the Vision Configuration tab, click the Security Maintenance button. The System Configuration screen appears.
Double-click the User Configuration folder to expand its contents.
Double-click the User Maintenance subfolder to expand its contents.
To modify security privileges for an existing user, double-click the appropriate user name.
If you are setting up a new user:
Right-click the User Maintenance folder and select Add New User.
In the User ID field, type the user's log-on name.
In the Name field, type the user's name.
In the Operator Code field, type the operator code associated with this user ID. Operator codes are used for reporting purposes in Vision. This code is what the operator enters at the Operator prompt prior to gaining (or being denied) access to a process in Vision Back Office.
In the Valid Companies list under the Restrictions pane, you can select one or more companies to control which companies the selected user can access in the Vision GUI. This list of valid companies is called My Companies for the selected user, and it is used as the default filter when the user conducts customer searches. It is not a required field.
If you select one or more companies from this list, the data in several areas of Vision is filtered automatically for this user; only the data that pertains to the selected companies is shown. For example, if company 02 is selected for a user but company 01 is not, then:
When this user searches for a customer on the Customer Profile screen (on the Customer Service tab), the default company search filter called My Companies (which is company 02 for this user) is used, and only customers associated with company 02 are listed in the search results. If any customers are associated with company 01 but not company 02, they will not be listed in the customer searches.
This logic also applies to the Search screens (on the Home Page tab and on the Customer Maintenance tab).
Note: Users can override the My Companies filter and select All Companies or a specific company if necessary. In order to be able to do this, they must have the proper security privileges. (The Override Company Filter job function needs to be assigned to one of the user's roles.)
When this user looks up a transaction on the Recent Transactions screen (on the Customer Service tab), the transactions associated with company 02 are listed. If any of the transactions are associated with company 01 but not company 02, they will not be listed in the inquiry.
This logic also applies to the Order Inquiry screen and the AR Inquiry screen (both on the Customer Service tab).
If you do not select any companies for this user, then the system does not filter data by default; the user has access to all of the information.
Setting up this list can help users save time. For example, if several companies are set up in Vision for your business, but some users do not need to have access to all of those companies, you can select only the needed companies for those users; that way, when those users perform customer and order searches, only results that apply to the specific companies are shown.
In the Default Warehouse drop-down list (back under the General pane), you can select a warehouse to make it the default active warehouse for a selected user. It is not a required field.
The system determines the active warehouse using the following hierarchy:
If a default warehouse is associated with your user ID, anytime you use the Customer Service tab, the system makes this warehouse the active one and adds it to the Active Data Bar.
If a customer is selected on the Customer Service tab, the default warehouse for the customer's ship to location (if established) becomes the active warehouse, overriding any user-assigned default one.
If a user selects a different warehouse on the Current Order screen, this warehouse overrides any others, and the system makes it the active warehouse.
When product searches are done on the Product screen or the Current Order screen of the Customer Service tab, the product search results are based on the active warehouse. In other words, these screens use the active warehouse as a filter, helping you to narrow your search results.
For example, let's say that one of your company's customer service reps takes orders for a specific warehouse. If a default warehouse for that customer service rep is set up for his or her user ID, it will help he or she narrow the list of products listed on the Product screen. If a default warehouse has been established for a selected customer ship to, it will appropriately override any user-ID-triggered default warehouse.
In the Sales Reps list, you can select one or more sales reps to control which sales reps the selected user can access in the Vision GUI. This list of valid sales reps is called My Sales Representatives for the selected user, and it is used as the default filter when the user conducts customer searches. It is not a required field.
If you select one or more sales reps from this list, the data in several areas of Vision is filtered automatically for this user; only the data that pertains to the selected sales reps is shown. For example, if sales rep 004 is selected for a user but sales rep 003 is not, then:
When this user searches for a customer on the Customer Profile screen (on the Customer Service tab), customers associated with sales rep 004 are listed. If any customers are associated with sales rep 003 but not sales rep 004, they will not be listed in the customer searches.
This logic also applies to the Search screens (on the Home Page tab and on the Customer Maintenance tab).
Note: Users can override the My Sales Representatives filter and select All Sales Reps or a specific sales rep if necessary. In order to be able to do this, they must have the proper security privileges. (The Override Salesman Filter job function needs to be assigned to one of the user's roles.)
When this user looks up a transaction on the Recent Transactions screen (on the Customer Service tab), the transactions associated with sales rep 004 are listed. If any of the transactions are associated with sales rep 003 but not sales rep 004, they will not be listed in the inquiry.
A customer is associated with a sales rep on the customer level and/or the ship to level.
This logic also applies to the Order Inquiry screen and the AR Inquiry screen (both on the Customer Service tab).
If you do not select any sales reps for this user, then the system does not filter data; the user has access to all of the information.
Setting up this list can help users save time. For example, if many sales reps are set up in Vision for your business, but some users do not need to have access to all of those sales reps, you can select only the needed sales reps for those users; that way, when those users perform customer and order searches, only results that apply to the specific sales reps are shown.
Assign the appropriate roles to the selected user. The Roles Available box is a list of roles that have not been assigned to this user. The Roles Assigned box is a list of roles that are assigned to this user. Following are tips for assigning roles:
To see which job functions are associated with a role, rest the mouse pointer over the role; a ScreenTip listing the associated job functions is displayed. (Click User Maintenance screen to see a sample.)
If the user should have the same roles as another user, click the Make Same as button and select the appropriate user.
You can select multiple roles using standard Windows conventions, and then move them all at once. For example, to select multiple consecutive items in the list:
Click the first item you would like to select.
Press and hold Shift while clicking the last item.
Click the
move right (>) or move left (<) button.
Double-click the selected items.
To select multiple nonconsecutive items in the list:
Click the first item you would like to select.
Press and hold Ctrl while clicking the next item. Repeat until all appropriate items have been selected.
Click the
move right (>) or move left (<) button.
Double-click the selected items.
To move all of the roles from the Roles Available box to the Roles Assigned box, click the move all right (>>) button.
To move all of the roles from the Roles Assigned box to the Roles Available box, click the move all left (<<) button.
If your system is integrated with an electronic parts catalog, you need to specify the web site address of the catalog that the selected user would access from the Catalog button on the Product Management tab. In the E-Catalog URL field, type the root web site address of the catalog. For more information, refer to Overview of electronic catalogs.
For example, if the home page for your web site, as you would typically type it into an Internet browser, is, you should type only, and the default web page for the site should be set to login.asp.
If you are adding a new user, the default web site address that was set up for your organization at implementation time is displayed in the E-Catalog URL field. You can override the default.
Note that the E-Catalog URL field is displayed only if you are using the Auto flavor of Vision.
Click the Accept button.
If you created a new user or modified roles for an existing user, please contact Client Services at The Systems House so that the new or modified authorization is updated. You do not need to contact Client Services if you only changed the Valid Companies, the Default Warehouse, or the Valid Sales People fields.