General Ledger (GL) Accounts

GUI Path


Vision Configuration -> System Configuration ->Dealer Information -> GL Accounts


The integrated General Ledger automatically debits and credits accounts in the General Ledger Activity (GLA) and Chart of Accounts (C/A) files.  Both the Accounts Payable and the Accounts Receivable applications are integrated with the General Ledger system and update during the end-of-day process.

To do this...

Go here...

Set up GL account numbers, company numbers, and other data related to general ledger.

Vision Office Products

Home Page -> Vision Back Office -> Menu 12.4

Vision Automotive Products

Home Page -> Vision Back Office -> Menu 12.5

Maintain and edit GL account numbers, set up rules, and so on.

Vision Configuration -> System Configuration -> Dealer Information -> GL Accounts


Maintaining GL Accounts

The GL Account folder lets you establish the General Ledger numbers for all the miscellaneous charge codes that you use. Use this folder to input your "control," or fixed, General Ledger numbers that the system uses, such as the accounts receivable account and tax account.

The miscellaneous charges added to your customers' orders, credit memos, and quotes must be booked to a General Ledger account.

You can also use the GL Account folder to specify product-related entries to General Ledger (such as sales, inventory and cost of goods sold).  The system uses these accounts when posting customer invoices (AR) and vendor invoices (AP) to the General Ledger.

You can use variable names to specify a default account.  For example, the variable name CO-16000-000 indicates that the GL number will begin with the company number from the transaction.

You can set up a GL account  with rules for each variable type. The system will check each rule in descending order until it finds a matching account number. Different account types allow for different variables.

Adding a Rule to a GL Account

To add a rule to a GL account, do the following:

  1. Click the Vision Configuration tab.

  2. Click System Configuration.

  3. Open the Dealer Information folder.

  4. Open the GL Accounts folder.

  5. Select and expand a GL account.

Scroll down if necessary. In this example, Accounts Receivable is selected.

  1. Select a GL account to act like a template for the current account.

Use this drop-down list if you want the account you are editing to behave like another account. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Example: if you do not have a special designation set up for returned sales, you can set up the Returned Sales GL Account to use the same rules as the Sales GL account.

  1. Type an appropriate default account number.

If a transaction fails all the rules testing, it can still use the default account.

  1. Right click anywhere in the Rules scroll box.

  2. Select Add New Rule.

Note: You can edit an existing rule by either double-clicking the rule, or right-clicking and selecting Change This Rule.

The Account Rule and Conditions dialog box opens as shown below.

Click the image to see a larger view.




  1. Select a variable from the Variable drop-down list.

The available variables depend on the type of GL account. Click a variable type to view a description.


Transaction Type


Miscellaneous Charge Code

Warehouse Type

Tax Jurisdiction Code

Order source

Variance Code

Cash Type

Job Code


Product Class



See a table of GL account descriptions for more information.

  1. Select an operator from the Operator drop-down list.

The operator can be one of these symbols:

  1. Specify an argument in the first Argument text box.

  1. Type the appropriate account number in Then the Account Number Looks Like.

Obtain this number from Vision Back Office.

  1. Click Accept.

The new rule is displayed in the main window for the account you are editing.

Click the image to see a larger view.










Click the image to see a larger view.


GL Account Types

Use the following table to see when to use a specific type of GL account and the search parameters for each type.


GL Account Type

When Used


Accounts Receivable

Click to view list



Bottom Line Discount

Invoice Register

Click to view list


The Business type used for the Metrics Reporting. It can be defined by the available parameters.

Click to view list

Cash Balancing Variance

Click to view list


Cash With Orders

AR Cash Register

AR Adjustment Register

Invoice Register


Cash Type


Core Cost of Goods Sold

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Core Inventory

Invoice Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Core Purchases

AP Voucher Entry (often set to behave the same as the inventory account)

Click to view list

Core Returned Cost of Goods Sold

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Core Returned Sales

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Core Sales

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Cost of Goods Sold

Invoice Register

Field Service Invoice Register

Click to view list

Default Variance Account

AP Voucher Entry


Delivery Charge Expense

Invoice Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Delivery Charge Income

Invoice Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Disposal Fee Income

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Excise Tax Income

Invoice Register

Click to view list

FS Contracts

Field Service Contract Realization

Field Service Invoice Register

Click to view list

FS Labor Income

Field Service Invoice Register

Click to view list

FS Mileage Income

Field Service Invoice Register

Click to view list

FS Rentals

Field Service Contract Realization

Field Service Invoice Register

Click to view list

Freight Expense

AP Voucher Entry

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Freight Income

Invoice Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Insurance Income

Furniture Rental Register


Interco Collections

AR Cash Register


Interco Disbursements

AP Check Register



Interco Inventory Trans.

Invoice Register

Transfer Register



Warehouse Type

Interco Vouchers

AP Sequential Voucher Listing



Click to view list

Click to view list

Inventory Adjustment

Click to view list

Click to view list

Min. Order Charge Exp.

AP Voucher Entry

Click to view list

Min. Order Surcharge Inc.

Invoice Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Miscellaneous Charges

Invoice Register

AP Voucher Entry

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Purchase Price Variance

AP Voucher Entry (Sometimes set to behave the same as the inventory account)

Click to view list

Purchase Promotions

AP EDI Voucher Create (future use)



AP Voucher Entry (often set to behave the same as the inventory account)

Click to view list

Rental Income

Furniture Rental Register

Click to view list

Rental Sales

Field Service Contract Realization

Click to view list

Restocking Charges

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Returned COGS

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Returned Sales

Invoice Register

Click to view list


Click to view list

Click to view list

Sales Tax Expense

AP Voucher Entry

Click to view list

Sales Tax Income

Tax Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Security Deposit Income

AR Cash register


Service Charge Expense

AP Voucher Entry

Click to view list

Service Charge Income

Service Charge Calculation (Monthly)


Shop Supplies Income

Invoice Register

Click to view list

Special Charges

Invoice Register

Behaves the same as Disposal Fee Income

Variance Accounts

AP Voucher Entry

Click to view list

Warehouse Transfer Charge

Invoice Register

Transfer Register

Click to view list

Warehouse Transfer Profit

Transfer Register

Click to view list