With Vision, you can set up and maintain pricing models and assign pricing models to one or more warehouses. For each pricing model, you can establish different pricing rules based on manufacturer, pricing class, product type, and ABC code. Each pricing rule is associated with one or more price level calculations.
The Pricing Model screen of the Pricing tab is where you modify an existing pricing model.
Note: A pricing model is not used for calculating price level prices of products until it is assigned to a warehouse. The System Configuration screen of the Vision Configuration tab is where you assign a pricing model to a warehouse. For more information, refer to Select a pricing model for a warehouse.
Note: To access the Pricing Model screen, you must have the proper security privileges. The Pricing Maintenance job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
On the Pricing tab, click the Pricing Model button. The Pricing Model screen appears.
In the Model listing at the bottom of the screen, click the row in the listing for the pricing model you would like to change. In the Pricing Rules area, the price matrix for the pricing model you selected is shown.
There are many ways you can modify the pricing model.
The pricing factors and rules are arranged from left to right and top to bottom in the order that the calculations will take place. You can customize the price matrix so that its pricing factors (pricing class, manufacturer, product type, and ABC code) and pricing rules are arranged in a particular order for the pricing model:
To reposition a pricing factor, drag a column heading to a new position in the row of column headings.
To reposition a pricing rule, drag the gray box at the left of the row to a new position in the column of boxes.
To add a new rule, right-click the gray box in the far left column of a rule and then select Insert New Rule on the shortcut menu. The new rule is added above the rule you right-clicked.
To delete a rule, right-click the gray box in the far left column of the rule to be deleted and then select Delete Rule on the shortcut menu.
If you want to make sure that price level calculations are done for all products, set all four of the pricing factors (manufacturer, pricing class, product type, and ABC code) for the last rule in a pricing model to <All>. Then if a product does not meet any of the criteria in any of the other pricing rules, the price level calculations associated with the final rule—your All rule—will be performed for this product.
Each pricing rule must have an associated price level calculation. To set up or change calculation data, right-click the gray box in the far left column of a rule and then select Change Calculation Data on the shortcut menu. The Price Level Calculation dialog box appears, enabling you to set up and maintain the pricing calculations. (For more information, refer to Add or remove a price level calculation for a pricing rule.)
Note that before you can set up calculation data for a pricing rule, options must be selected for each of the rule's four pricing factors (manufacturer, pricing class, product type, and ABC code) in the Pricing Rules area.
Duplicate pricing rules are not permitted in the price matrix.
Click the Accept button to save your pricing model.
The system validates, or checks, the price level calculations for validation errors. If the system finds any validation errors, a warning message is displayed in a Validation Error(s) pop-up window to let you know that errors exist. For more information, refer to Correct price level calculation errors.