Anytime you are entering an order on the Customer Service tab, the system uses a default warehouse as the active warehouse. The system determines the active warehouse using the following hierarchy:
If a default warehouse is associated with your user ID, anytime you use the Customer Service tab, the system makes this warehouse the active one and adds it to the Active Data Bar.
If a customer is selected on the Customer Service tab, the default warehouse for the customer's ship to location (if established) becomes the active warehouse, overriding any user-assigned default one.
If a user selects a different warehouse on the Current Order screen, this warehouse overrides any others, and the system makes it the active warehouse.
The Current Order screen on the Customer Service tab is where you can select a specific warehouse to override any other defaults.
Note: To override the default warehouse, you must have the proper security privileges. The Warehouse Override job function needs to be assigned to one of your roles. Roles are assigned to users in the User Maintenance on the Security Maintenance screen of the Vision Configuration tab. For more information, refer to About roles and job functions.
On the Customer Service tab, click the Current Order button. The Current Order screen appears.
If the Warehouse drop-down list is not visible, click the Order Details button.
Select the appropriate warehouse from the Warehouse drop-down list. The warehouse number and name are included in the Active Data Bar.
When product searches are done on the Product screen or the Current Order screen of the Customer Service tab, the product search results are based on the active warehouse. In other words, the Product screen uses the active warehouse as a filter, helping you to narrow your search results.
For example, let's say that one of your company's customer service reps takes orders for a specific warehouse. If a default warehouse for that customer service rep is set up for his or her user ID, it will help he or she narrow the list of products listed on the Product screen. If a default warehouse has been established for a selected customer ship to, it will appropriately override any user-ID-triggered default warehouse.