Uploading Purchase Order Line Items from a Spreadsheet

You can use a spreadsheet application to create a set of line items and then upload them into a purchase order.  This can make generating large purchase orders easier.

How it Works

Basically, you enter line items into a spreadsheet, then save the file in CSV format, and run the Vision upload PO process.  The Vision upload process treats each line in the CSV file as a separate line item, automatically checking each line for errors.  Vision removes any lines that do not conform to the data requirements and stores them in an error file.  The process combines all validated line items into one or more purchase orders.  The process creates one purchase order for every 999 line items it validates from a single upload file.  If there are more than 999 valid line items, the system creates more than one purchase order.  

For Example

If a CSV file contained 2366 lines, this utility would create 3 purchase orders: 2 with 999 line items each, and 1 with 368 line items.


To generate purchase order line items from a spreadsheet, do the following:

  1. Create the spreadsheet.

Using an appropriate spreadsheet application, create a table with columns as defined here.

For example, you might use Microsoft Office Excel.


Click the image to see a larger view.



  1. Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file.

Refer to the instructions for your spreadsheet program for information on how to save your spreadsheet as a CSV file.

Saving the spreadsheet in CSV format renders the file as plain text, readable by a plain text editor such as Microsoft Notepad.

Click the image to see a larger view.



  1. Copy the CSV file to the CONV.WORK directory.

  1. Click the Vision Configuration tab.

  2. Click Vision File Transfer.

  3. Click Transfer PC to Server.

  4. Type the PC file name and path.
    Either type the file path and file name, or click Browse to select the file.

  5. Type the server filename, CONV.WORK.

  6. Type the server item name.
    You can use the same name that you input for the PC file name. However, you must leave out the file path information.
    For example, PO_UPLOAD_ITEMS.CSV.

  7. Click Transfer.

Click the image to see a larger view.



  1. Open the Vision Back Office.

  1. Click the Home Page tab.

  2. Click Vision Back Office.

  3. Input your username and password.

  4. Based upon what type of Vision system you are running, do one of the following:

  • If your Vision system is set up to work with office products,go to step 5.

  • If your Vision system is set up to work with automotive products, go to step 8.

Click the image to see a larger view.



Access the PO upload utility. (Office Products)


  1. From the main menu, select Purchasing.
    Type 7<Enter>.

Click the image to see a larger view.



  1. From the Purchasing menu, select
    Upload PO Items from Spreadsheet

    Type 17<Enter>.

  2. Skip to step 10.

Click the image to see a larger view.



Access the PO upload utility. (Automotive Products)


  1. From the main menu, select Purchasing.
    Type 2<Enter>.

Click on the image to see a larger view.



  1. From the Purchasing menu, select
    Upload PO Items from Spreadsheet

    Type 10<Enter>.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



Run the PO upload utility. (All)


  1. From Upload PO Items from Spreadsheet Menu, select Upload PO Items from Spreadsheet.

    Type 1<Enter>.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



  1. Type <Enter> again to continue to the next screen.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



  1. Type the name of the spreadsheet file you transferred in step 3.

    For example, type PO_UPLOAD_ITEMS.CSV<Enter>.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



  1. Specify whether to create an active purchase order.

    To specify an active PO, type Y<Enter>.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



  1. Fill in the purchase order entry data.

  1. Type your three-letter operator code and press <Enter>.

  2. Type the two-digit company code and press <Enter>.

  3. Type the three-digit warehouse code and press <Enter>.

  4. Accept or modify the order date.

    To accept the date, press <Enter>.

    To modify the date, type a new date and press <Enter>.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



  1. Specify a new purchase order.

    Type NEW<Enter>.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.



  1. Complete the  purchase order details.

  1. Input the necessary information, beginning with the vendor number.

  2. If you make a mistake during data entry, use the Ln# command to change any values as necessary.

  3. When the purchase order details are correct,
    type 0<Enter>.


Click on the image to see  a larger view.



The Vision system uploads the purchase order spreadsheet file and displays a summary of the process as shown at right.

  1. Press <Enter> to return to the
    PO Upload from Spreadsheet menu.

Click on the image to see  a larger view.




Related Topics

Spreadsheet Requirements

Provides the details on column headings and valid data types for spreadsheets you want to upload and convert to purchase orders.