Follow the instructions below to download a copy of the product upload template. The template is a fresh, clean copy of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file with appropriate column headings and blank data.
Or you can download a copy of the Master Template file. This file contains more than a dozen spreadsheets with comments, tips, sample data, and instructions on which menu function to run to upload the data in the particular spreadsheets. You will need to delete sample data, comments, and other extra elements before actually using any of the spreadsheets included in the master file.
Updated as of 4/12/2013 : Master Upload Template (multiple templates in one file)
Once you have filled out the product upload template and saved it in comma separated values format (CSV), use the appropriate Vision Back Office menu selection to upload the new information to your system.
Path |
11.3 |
Product Upload (from Excel) |
21.1.8 |
Product Update (from Tab-delimited Excel spreadsheet) |